# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author: hankcs
# Date: 2020-05-09 13:38
import logging
import math
import os.path
from typing import Optional, Callable, Union, List, Dict
import torch
from hanlp_common.configurable import AutoConfigurable
from hanlp_common.constant import HANLP_VERBOSE
from hanlp_trie.trie import Trie
from torch import nn
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from hanlp.common.dataset import TransformableDataset, PadSequenceDataLoader
from hanlp.common.torch_component import TorchComponent
from hanlp.common.transform import VocabDict
from hanlp.common.vocab import Vocab
from hanlp.layers.dropout import WordDropout
from hanlp.layers.embeddings.embedding import Embedding, EmbeddingDim
from hanlp.layers.embeddings.util import build_word2vec_with_vocab
from hanlp.utils.log_util import flash
from hanlp.utils.torch_util import load_word2vec_as_vocab_tensor
[docs]class Word2VecEmbeddingModule(nn.Module, EmbeddingDim):
def __init__(self, field: str, embed: nn.Embedding, word_dropout: WordDropout = None, cpu=False,
second_channel=False, num_tokens_in_trn=None, unk_idx=1) -> None:
"""A word2vec style embedding module which maps a token to its embedding through looking up a pre-defined table.
field: The field to work on. Usually some token fields.
embed: An ``Embedding`` layer.
word_dropout: The probability of randomly replacing a token with ``UNK``.
cpu: Reside on CPU instead of GPU.
second_channel: A trainable second channel for each token, which will be added to pretrained embeddings.
num_tokens_in_trn: The number of tokens in training set.
unk_idx: The index of ``UNK``.
self.cpu = cpu
self.field = field
self.embed = embed
self.word_dropout = word_dropout
self.num_tokens_in_trn = num_tokens_in_trn
self.unk_idx = unk_idx
if second_channel:
n_words, n_embed = embed.weight.size()
if num_tokens_in_trn:
n_words = num_tokens_in_trn
second_channel = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=n_words,
self.second_channel = second_channel
[docs] def forward(self, batch: dict, **kwargs):
x: torch.Tensor = batch[f'{self.field}_id']
if self.cpu:
device = x.device
x = x.cpu()
if self.word_dropout:
x = self.word_dropout(x)
if self.second_channel:
ext_mask = x.ge(self.second_channel.num_embeddings)
ext_words = x.masked_fill(ext_mask, self.unk_idx)
x = self.embed(x) + self.second_channel(ext_words)
x = self.embed(x)
if self.cpu:
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
x = x.to(device)
return x
def embedding_dim(self) -> int:
return self.embed.embedding_dim
# noinspection PyMethodOverriding
# def to(self, device, **kwargs):
# print(self.cpu)
# exit(1)
# if self.cpu:
# return super(Word2VecEmbeddingModule, self).to(-1, **kwargs)
# return super(Word2VecEmbeddingModule, self).to(device, **kwargs)
def _apply(self, fn):
if not self.cpu: # This might block all fn not limiting to moving between devices.
return super(Word2VecEmbeddingModule, self)._apply(fn)
[docs]class Word2VecEmbedding(Embedding, AutoConfigurable):
def __init__(self,
embed: Union[int, str],
word_dropout: float = 0,
init='zeros') -> None:
"""A word2vec style embedding builder which maps a token to its embedding through looking up a pre-defined
field: The field to work on. Usually some token fields.
embed: A path to pre-trained embedding file or an integer defining the size of randomly initialized
extend_vocab: Unlock vocabulary of training set to add those tokens in pre-trained embedding file.
pad: The padding token.
unk: The unknown token.
lowercase: Convert words in pretrained embeddings into lowercase.
trainable: ``False`` to use static embeddings.
second_channel: A trainable second channel for each token, which will be added to pretrained embeddings.
word_dropout: The probability of randomly replacing a token with ``UNK``.
normalize: ``l2`` or ``std`` to normalize the embedding matrix.
cpu: Reside on CPU instead of GPU.
init: Indicate which initialization to use for oov tokens.
self.pad = pad
self.second_channel = second_channel
self.cpu = cpu
self.normalize = normalize
self.word_dropout = word_dropout
self.init = init
self.lowercase = lowercase
self.unk = unk
self.extend_vocab = extend_vocab
self.trainable = trainable
self.embed = embed
self.field = field
[docs] def module(self, vocabs: VocabDict, **kwargs) -> Optional[nn.Module]:
vocab = vocabs[self.field]
num_tokens_in_trn = len(vocab)
embed = build_word2vec_with_vocab(self.embed,
if self.word_dropout:
assert vocab.unk_token, f'unk_token of vocab {self.field} has to be set in order to ' \
f'make use of word_dropout'
padding = []
if vocab.pad_token:
word_dropout = WordDropout(self.word_dropout, vocab.unk_idx, exclude_tokens=padding)
word_dropout = None
return Word2VecEmbeddingModule(self.field, embed, word_dropout=word_dropout, cpu=self.cpu,
second_channel=self.second_channel, num_tokens_in_trn=num_tokens_in_trn,
class Word2VecDataset(TransformableDataset):
def load_file(self, filepath: str):
raise NotImplementedError('Not supported.')
class Word2VecEmbeddingComponent(TorchComponent):
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
""" Toy example of Word2VecEmbedding. It simply returns the embedding of a given word
self._tokenizer: Trie = None
def build_dataloader(self, data: List[str], shuffle=False, device=None, logger: logging.Logger = None,
doc2vec=False, batch_size=32, **kwargs) -> DataLoader:
dataset = Word2VecDataset([{'token': x} for x in data], transform=self._tokenize if doc2vec else self.vocabs)
return PadSequenceDataLoader(dataset, device=device, batch_size=batch_size)
def build_optimizer(self, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError('Not supported.')
def build_criterion(self, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError('Not supported.')
def build_metric(self, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError('Not supported.')
def execute_training_loop(self, trn: DataLoader, dev: DataLoader, epochs, criterion, optimizer, metric, save_dir,
logger: logging.Logger, devices, ratio_width=None, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError('Not supported.')
def fit_dataloader(self, trn: DataLoader, criterion, optimizer, metric, logger: logging.Logger, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError('Not supported.')
def evaluate_dataloader(self, data: DataLoader, criterion: Callable, metric=None, output=False, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError('Not supported.')
def load_vocabs(self, save_dir, filename='vocabs.json'):
self.vocabs['token'] = Vocab()
def load_weights(self, save_dir, filename='model.pt', **kwargs):
def build_model(self, training=True, **kwargs) -> torch.nn.Module:
self._tokenizer = None
embed: Word2VecEmbedding = self.config.embed
model = embed.module(self.vocabs)
return model
def predict(self, word: str, doc2vec=False, **kwargs):
dataloader = self.build_dataloader([word], device=self.device, doc2vec=doc2vec)
for batch in dataloader: # It's a toy so doesn't really do batching
embeddings = self.model(batch)[0]
if doc2vec:
embeddings = embeddings[0].mean(dim=0)
return embeddings
def most_similar(self, words: Union[str, List[str]], topk=10, doc2vec=False, similarity_less_than=None,
batch_size=32) -> Union[Dict[str, float], List[Dict[str, float]]]:
"""Find the `topk` most similar words of a given word or phrase.
words: A word or phrase or multiple words/phrases.
topk: Number of top similar words.
doc2vec: Enable doc2vec model for processing OOV and phrases.
similarity_less_than: Only return words with a similarity less than this value.
batch_size: Number of words or phrases per batch.
Similar words and similarities stored in a dict.
flat = isinstance(words, str)
if flat:
words = [words]
dataloader = self.build_dataloader(words, device=self.device, doc2vec=doc2vec, batch_size=batch_size)
results = []
vocab = self.vocabs['token']
for batch in dataloader:
embeddings = self.model(batch)
token_id = batch['token_id']
if doc2vec:
lens = token_id.count_nonzero(dim=1)
embeddings = embeddings.sum(1)
embeddings = embeddings / lens.unsqueeze(1)
block_word_id = batch['block_word_id']
token_is_unk = (lens == 1) & (token_id[:, 0] == vocab.unk_idx)
block_word_id = token_id
token_is_unk = token_id == vocab.unk_idx
similarities = torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(embeddings.unsqueeze(1), self.model.embed.weight,
if similarity_less_than is not None:
similarities[similarities > similarity_less_than] = -math.inf
similarities[torch.arange(similarities.size(0), device=self.device), block_word_id] = -math.inf
scores, indices = similarities.topk(topk)
for sc, idx, unk in zip(scores.tolist(), indices.tolist(), token_is_unk.tolist()):
results.append(dict() if unk else dict(zip([vocab.idx_to_token[i] for i in idx], sc)))
if flat:
results = results[0]
return results
def _tokenize(self, sample: dict) -> dict:
tokens = sample['token']
ids = [idx for b, e, idx in self.tokenizer.parse_longest(tokens)]
vocab = self.vocabs['token']
if not ids:
ids = [vocab.unk_idx]
sample['token_id'] = ids
sample['block_word_id'] = ids[0] if len(ids) == 1 else vocab.pad_idx
return sample
def tokenizer(self):
if not self._tokenizer:
flash('Building Trie-based tokenizer for Doc2Vec [blink][yellow]...[/yellow][/blink]')
self._tokenizer = Trie(self.vocabs['token'].token_to_idx)
return self._tokenizer
def load_config(self, save_dir, filename='config.json', **kwargs):
if os.path.isfile(save_dir):
self.config.update({'classpath': 'hanlp.layers.embeddings.word2vec.Word2VecEmbeddingComponent',
'embed': Word2VecEmbedding(field='token', embed=save_dir, normalize='l2')})
super().load_config(save_dir, filename, **kwargs)
class GazetterTransform(object):
def __init__(self, field, words: dict) -> None:
self.field = field
self.trie = Trie()
for word, idx in words.items():
self.trie[word] = idx
def __call__(self, sample: dict) -> dict:
tokens = sample[self.field]
lexicons = self.trie.parse(tokens)
skips_l2r = [[] for _ in range(len(tokens))]
skips_r2l = [[] for _ in range(len(tokens))]
for w, i, s, e in lexicons:
e = e - 1
skips_l2r[e].append((s, w, i))
skips_r2l[s].append((e, w, i))
for direction, value in zip(['skips_l2r', 'skips_r2l'], [skips_l2r, skips_r2l]):
sample[f'{self.field}_{direction}_offset'] = [list(map(lambda x: x[0], p)) for p in value]
sample[f'{self.field}_{direction}_id'] = [list(map(lambda x: x[-1], p)) for p in value]
sample[f'{self.field}_{direction}_count'] = list(map(len, value))
return sample
class GazetteerEmbedding(Embedding, AutoConfigurable):
def __init__(self, embed: str, field='char', trainable=False) -> None:
self.trainable = trainable
self.embed = embed
self.field = field
vocab, matrix = load_word2vec_as_vocab_tensor(self.embed)
ids = []
_vocab = {}
for word, idx in vocab.items():
if len(word) > 1:
_vocab[word] = len(_vocab)
ids = torch.tensor(ids)
_matrix = matrix.index_select(0, ids)
self._vocab = _vocab
self._matrix = _matrix
def transform(self, **kwargs) -> Optional[Callable]:
return GazetterTransform(self.field, self._vocab)
def module(self, **kwargs) -> Optional[nn.Module]:
embed = nn.Embedding.from_pretrained(self._matrix, freeze=not self.trainable)
return embed
def _remove_short_tokens(word2vec):
word2vec = dict((w, v) for w, v in word2vec.items() if len(w) > 1)
return word2vec