

hanlp.pretrained.ner.CONLL03_NER_BERT_BASE_CASED_EN = ''

BERT model (Devlin et al. 2019) trained on CoNLL03.

hanlp.pretrained.ner.MSRA_NER_ALBERT_BASE_ZH = ''

ALBERT model (Lan et al. 2020) trained on MSRA with 3 entity types.

hanlp.pretrained.ner.MSRA_NER_BERT_BASE_ZH = ''

BERT model (Devlin et al. 2019) trained on MSRA with 3 entity types.

hanlp.pretrained.ner.MSRA_NER_ELECTRA_SMALL_ZH = ''

Electra small model (Clark et al. 2020) trained on MSRA with 26 entity types. F1 = 95.16