Source code for

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author: hankcs
# Date: 2020-08-05 15:43
import logging
from typing import Union, List, Dict, Any, Iterable, Callable

import torch
from import DataLoader

from hanlp.common.dataset import SamplerBuilder, PadSequenceDataLoader
from hanlp.common.transform import VocabDict
from hanlp.components.mtl.tasks import Task
from import SpanRankingSemanticRoleLabeler
from import SpanRankingSRLDecoder
from hanlp.layers.scalar_mix import ScalarMixWithDropoutBuilder
from hanlp.metrics.metric import Metric
from hanlp.metrics.mtl import MetricDict
from hanlp_common.util import merge_locals_kwargs

[docs]class SpanRankingSemanticRoleLabeling(Task, SpanRankingSemanticRoleLabeler): def __init__(self, trn: str = None, dev: str = None, tst: str = None, sampler_builder: SamplerBuilder = None, dependencies: str = None, scalar_mix: ScalarMixWithDropoutBuilder = None, use_raw_hidden_states=False, lr=1e-3, separate_optimizer=False, lexical_dropout=0.5, dropout=0.2, span_width_feature_size=20, ffnn_size=150, ffnn_depth=2, argument_ratio=0.8, predicate_ratio=0.4, max_arg_width=30, mlp_label_size=100, enforce_srl_constraint=False, use_gold_predicates=False, doc_level_offset=True, use_biaffine=False, loss_reduction='mean', with_argument=' ', **kwargs) -> None: r""" An implementation of "Jointly Predicting Predicates and Arguments in Neural Semantic Role Labeling" (:cite:`he-etal-2018-jointly`). It generates candidates triples of (predicate, arg_start, arg_end) and rank them. Args: trn: Path to training set. dev: Path to dev set. tst: Path to test set. sampler_builder: A builder which builds a sampler. dependencies: Its dependencies on other tasks. scalar_mix: A builder which builds a `ScalarMixWithDropout` object. use_raw_hidden_states: Whether to use raw hidden states from transformer without any pooling. lr: Learning rate for this task. separate_optimizer: Use customized separate optimizer for this task. lexical_dropout: Dropout applied to hidden states of encoder. dropout: Dropout used for other layers except the encoder. span_width_feature_size: Span width feature size. ffnn_size: Feedforward size. ffnn_depth: Number of layers of feedforward MLPs. argument_ratio: Ratio of candidate arguments over number of tokens. predicate_ratio: Ratio of candidate predicates over number of tokens. max_arg_width: Maximum argument width. mlp_label_size: Feature size for label representation. enforce_srl_constraint: Enforce SRL constraints (number of core ARGs etc.). use_gold_predicates: Use gold predicates instead of predicting them. doc_level_offset: ``True`` to indicate the offsets in ``jsonlines`` are of document level. use_biaffine: ``True`` to use biaffine (:cite:`dozat:17a`) instead of lineary layer for label prediction. loss_reduction: The loss reduction used in aggregating losses. with_argument: The delimiter between tokens in arguments to be used for joining tokens for outputs. **kwargs: Not used. """ super().__init__(**merge_locals_kwargs(locals(), kwargs)) self.vocabs = VocabDict()
[docs] def build_dataloader(self, data, transform: Callable = None, training=False, device=None, logger: logging.Logger = None, gradient_accumulation=1, **kwargs) -> DataLoader: dataset = self.build_dataset(data, isinstance(data, list), logger, transform) dataset.purge_cache() return PadSequenceDataLoader(, dataset), shuffle=training, gradient_accumulation=gradient_accumulation), device=device, dataset=dataset)
def update_metrics(self, batch: Dict[str, Any], output: Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Iterable[torch.Tensor], Any], prediction: Dict[str, Any], metric: Union[MetricDict, Metric]): return SpanRankingSemanticRoleLabeler.update_metrics(self, batch, {'prediction': prediction}, tuple(metric.values())) def decode_output(self, output: Dict[str, Any], mask: torch.BoolTensor, batch: Dict[str, Any], decoder, **kwargs) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], Any]: return SpanRankingSemanticRoleLabeler.decode_output(self, output, batch) def compute_loss(self, batch: Dict[str, Any], output: Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Iterable[torch.Tensor], Any], criterion) -> \ Union[torch.FloatTensor, Dict[str, torch.FloatTensor]]: return output['loss']
[docs] def build_model(self, encoder_size, training=True, **kwargs) -> torch.nn.Module: return SpanRankingSRLDecoder(encoder_size, len(self.vocabs.srl_label), self.config)
[docs] def build_metric(self, **kwargs): predicate_f1, end_to_end_f1 = SpanRankingSemanticRoleLabeler.build_metric(self, **kwargs) return MetricDict({'predicate': predicate_f1, 'e2e': end_to_end_f1})
[docs] def build_criterion(self, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def input_is_flat(self, data) -> bool: return SpanRankingSemanticRoleLabeler.input_is_flat(self, data)
def prediction_to_result(self, prediction: Dict[str, Any], batch: Dict[str, Any]) -> List: return SpanRankingSemanticRoleLabeler.format_dict_to_results(batch['token'], prediction, exclusive_offset=True, with_predicate=True, with_argument=self.config.get('with_argument', ' '), label_first=True)