Source code for hanlp.components.mtl.tasks.ner.tag_ner

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author: hankcs
# Date: 2020-12-03 14:35
import logging
from typing import Union, List, Dict, Any, Iterable, Callable, Set, Sequence

import torch
from hanlp_trie import DictInterface
from import DataLoader

from hanlp.common.dataset import SamplerBuilder, PadSequenceDataLoader
from hanlp.common.transform import VocabDict
from hanlp.components.mtl.tasks import Task
from hanlp.components.ner.transformer_ner import TransformerNamedEntityRecognizer
from hanlp.layers.crf.crf import CRF
from hanlp.layers.scalar_mix import ScalarMixWithDropoutBuilder
from hanlp.metrics.metric import Metric
from hanlp.metrics.mtl import MetricDict
from hanlp_common.util import merge_locals_kwargs

class LinearCRFDecoder(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,
                 crf=False) -> None:
        self.secondary_encoder = secondary_encoder
        self.classifier = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, num_labels)
        self.crf = CRF(num_labels) if crf else None

    def forward(self, contextualized_embeddings: torch.FloatTensor, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], mask=None):
        if self.secondary_encoder:
            contextualized_embeddings = self.secondary_encoder(contextualized_embeddings, mask=mask)
        return self.classifier(contextualized_embeddings)

[docs]class TaggingNamedEntityRecognition(Task, TransformerNamedEntityRecognizer): def __init__(self, trn: str = None, dev: str = None, tst: str = None, sampler_builder: SamplerBuilder = None, dependencies: str = None, scalar_mix: ScalarMixWithDropoutBuilder = None, use_raw_hidden_states=False, lr=1e-3, separate_optimizer=False, max_seq_len=None, sent_delimiter=None, char_level=False, hard_constraint=False, tagging_scheme=None, crf=False, delimiter_in_entity=None, merge_types: List[str] = None, secondary_encoder=None, token_key='token', dict_whitelist: Union[DictInterface, Union[Dict[str, Any], Set[str]]] = None, dict_blacklist: Union[DictInterface, Union[Dict[str, Any], Set[str]]] = None, dict_tags: Union[ DictInterface, Union[Dict[Union[str, Sequence[str]], Union[str, Sequence[str]]]]] = None, **kwargs) -> None: r"""A simple tagger using a linear layer with an optional CRF (:cite:`lafferty2001conditional`) layer for NER task. It can utilize whitelist gazetteers which is dict mapping from entity name to entity type. During decoding, it performs longest-prefix-matching of these words to override the prediction from underlying statistical model. It also uses a blacklist to mask out mis-predicted entities. .. Note:: For algorithm beginners, longest-prefix-matching is the prerequisite to understand what dictionary can do and what it can't do. The tutorial in `this book <>`_ can be very helpful. Args: trn: Path to training set. dev: Path to dev set. tst: Path to test set. sampler_builder: A builder which builds a sampler. dependencies: Its dependencies on other tasks. scalar_mix: A builder which builds a `ScalarMixWithDropout` object. use_raw_hidden_states: Whether to use raw hidden states from transformer without any pooling. lr: Learning rate for this task. separate_optimizer: Use customized separate optimizer for this task. max_seq_len: Sentences longer than ``max_seq_len`` will be split into shorter ones if possible. sent_delimiter: Delimiter between sentences, like period or comma, which indicates a long sentence can be split here. char_level: Whether the sequence length is measured at char level, which is never the case for lemmatization. hard_constraint: Whether to enforce hard length constraint on sentences. If there is no ``sent_delimiter`` in a sentence, it will be split at a token anyway. token_key: The key to tokens in dataset. This should always be set to ``token`` in MTL. crf: ``True`` to enable CRF (:cite:`lafferty2001conditional`). delimiter_in_entity: The delimiter between tokens in entity, which is used to rebuild entity by joining tokens during decoding. merge_types: The types of consecutive entities to be merged. secondary_encoder: An optional secondary encoder to provide enhanced representation by taking the hidden states from the main encoder as input. token_key: The key to tokens in dataset. This should always be set to ``token`` in MTL. dict_whitelist: A :class:`dict` or a :class:`~hanlp_trie.dictionary.DictInterface` of gazetteers to be included into the final results. dict_blacklist: A :class:`set` or a :class:`~hanlp_trie.dictionary.DictInterface` of badcases to be excluded from the final results. **kwargs: """ super().__init__(**merge_locals_kwargs(locals(), kwargs)) self.vocabs = VocabDict() self.secondary_encoder = secondary_encoder self.dict_whitelist = dict_whitelist self.dict_blacklist = dict_blacklist self.dict_tags = dict_tags
[docs] def build_dataloader(self, data, transform: Callable = None, training=False, device=None, logger: logging.Logger = None, cache=False, gradient_accumulation=1, **kwargs) -> DataLoader: args = dict((k, self.config[k]) for k in ['delimiter', 'max_seq_len', 'sent_delimiter', 'char_level', 'hard_constraint'] if k in self.config) dataset = self.build_dataset(data, cache=cache, transform=transform, **args) dataset.append_transform(self.vocabs) dataset.purge_cache() if self.vocabs.mutable: self.build_vocabs(dataset, logger) return PadSequenceDataLoader( self.compute_lens(data, dataset), shuffle=training, gradient_accumulation=gradient_accumulation), device=device, dataset=dataset)
def compute_loss(self, batch: Dict[str, Any], output: Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Iterable[torch.Tensor], Any], criterion) -> Union[torch.FloatTensor, Dict[str, torch.FloatTensor]]: return TransformerNamedEntityRecognizer.compute_loss(self, criterion, output, batch['tag_id'], batch['mask']) def decode_output(self, output: Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Iterable[torch.Tensor], Any], mask: torch.BoolTensor, batch: Dict[str, Any], decoder, **kwargs) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], Any]: return TransformerNamedEntityRecognizer.decode_output(self, output, batch['mask'], batch, decoder) def update_metrics(self, batch: Dict[str, Any], output: Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Iterable[torch.Tensor], Any], prediction: Dict[str, Any], metric: Union[MetricDict, Metric]): return TransformerNamedEntityRecognizer.update_metrics(self, metric, output, batch['tag_id'], batch['mask'], batch, prediction)
[docs] def build_model(self, encoder_size, training=True, **kwargs) -> torch.nn.Module: return LinearCRFDecoder(encoder_size, len(self.vocabs['tag']), self.secondary_encoder, self.config.crf)
[docs] def build_metric(self, **kwargs): return TransformerNamedEntityRecognizer.build_metric(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def input_is_flat(self, data) -> bool: return TransformerNamedEntityRecognizer.input_is_flat(self, data)
def prediction_to_result(self, prediction: Dict[str, Any], batch: Dict[str, Any]) -> Union[List, Dict]: return TransformerNamedEntityRecognizer.prediction_to_human(self, prediction, self.vocabs['tag'].idx_to_token, batch)