Source code for hanlp.common.dataset

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author: hankcs
# Date: 2020-05-09 20:27
import math
import os
import random
import tempfile
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from copy import copy
from logging import Logger
from typing import Union, List, Callable, Iterable, Dict, Any

import torch
import torch.multiprocessing as mp
from hanlp.common.transform import TransformList, VocabDict, EmbeddingNamedTransform
from hanlp.common.vocab import Vocab
from hanlp.components.parsers.alg import kmeans
from hanlp.utils.io_util import read_cells, get_resource
from hanlp.utils.time_util import CountdownTimer
from hanlp.utils.torch_util import dtype_of
from hanlp_common.configurable import AutoConfigurable
from hanlp_common.constant import IDX, HANLP_VERBOSE
from hanlp_common.util import isdebugging, merge_list_of_dict, k_fold
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence
from import Dataset, DataLoader, Sampler
from import IterableDataset

[docs]class Transformable(ABC): def __init__(self, transform: Union[Callable, List] = None) -> None: """An object which can be transformed with a list of functions. It is the final result of an object being passed through a list of functions, while these functions are kept in a list. Args: transform: A transform function or a list of functions. """ super().__init__() if isinstance(transform, list) and not isinstance(transform, TransformList): transform = TransformList(*transform) self.transform: Union[Callable, TransformList] = transform
[docs] def append_transform(self, transform: Callable): """Append a transform to its list of transforms. Args: transform: A new transform to be appended. Returns: Itself. """ assert transform is not None, 'None transform not allowed' if not self.transform: self.transform = TransformList(transform) elif not isinstance(self.transform, TransformList): if self.transform != transform: self.transform = TransformList(self.transform, transform) else: if transform not in self.transform: self.transform.append(transform) return self
[docs] def insert_transform(self, index: int, transform: Callable): """Insert a transform to a certain position. Args: index: A certain position. transform: A new transform. Returns: Itself. """ assert transform is not None, 'None transform not allowed' if not self.transform: self.transform = TransformList(transform) elif not isinstance(self.transform, TransformList): if self.transform != transform: self.transform = TransformList(self.transform) self.transform.insert(index, transform) else: if transform not in self.transform: self.transform.insert(index, transform) return self
[docs] def transform_sample(self, sample: dict, inplace=False) -> dict: """Apply transforms to a sample. Args: sample: A sample, which is a ``dict`` holding features. inplace: ``True`` to apply transforms inplace. .. Attention:: If any transform modifies existing features, it will modify again and again when ``inplace=True``. For example, if a transform insert a ``BOS`` token to a list inplace, and it is called twice, then 2 ``BOS`` will be inserted which might not be an intended result. Returns: Transformed sample. """ if not inplace: sample = copy(sample) if self.transform: sample = self.transform(sample) return sample
[docs]class TransformableDataset(Transformable, Dataset, ABC): def __init__(self, data: Union[str, List], transform: Union[Callable, List] = None, cache=None, generate_idx=None) -> None: """A :class:`` which can be applied with a list of transform functions. Args: data: The local or remote path to a dataset, or a list of samples where each sample is a dict. transform: Predefined transform(s). cache: ``True`` to enable caching, so that transforms won't be called twice. generate_idx: Create a :const:`~hanlp_common.constants.IDX` field for each sample to store its order in dataset. Useful for prediction when samples are re-ordered by a sampler. """ super().__init__(transform) if generate_idx is None: generate_idx = isinstance(data, list) data_ = self.load_data(data, generate_idx) # assert data_, f'No samples loaded from {data}' if data_: assert isinstance(data_[0], dict ), f'TransformDataset expects each sample to be a dict but got {type(data_[0])} instead.' = data_ if cache: self.cache = [None] * len(data_) else: self.cache = None
[docs] def load_data(self, data, generate_idx=False): """A intermediate step between constructor and calling the actual file loading method. Args: data: If data is a file, this method calls :meth:`~hanlp.common.dataset.TransformableDataset.load_file` to load it. generate_idx: Create a :const:`~hanlp_common.constants.IDX` field for each sample to store its order in dataset. Useful for prediction when samples are re-ordered by a sampler. Returns: Loaded samples. """ if self.should_load_file(data): if isinstance(data, str): data = get_resource(data) data = list(self.load_file(data)) if generate_idx: for i, each in enumerate(data): each[IDX] = i # elif isinstance(data, list): # data = self.load_list(data) return data
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic # def load_list(self, data: list) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: # return data
[docs] def should_load_file(self, data) -> bool: """Determines whether data is a filepath. Args: data: Data to check. Returns: ``True`` to indicate it's a filepath. """ return isinstance(data, str)
[docs] @abstractmethod def load_file(self, filepath: str): """The actual file loading logic. Args: filepath: The path to a dataset. """ pass
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice]) -> Union[dict, List[dict]]: """ Get the index-th sample in this dataset. Args: index: Either a integer index of a list of indices. Returns: Either a sample or or list of samples depending on how many indices are passed in. """ # if isinstance(index, (list, tuple)): # assert len(index) == 1 # index = index[0] if isinstance(index, slice): indices = range(*index.indices(len(self))) return [self[i] for i in indices] if self.cache: cache = self.cache[index] if cache: return cache sample =[index] sample = self.transform_sample(sample) if self.cache: self.cache[index] = sample return sample
def __len__(self) -> int: return len( def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'{len(self)} samples: {self[0] if len(self) else ""} ...'
[docs] def purge_cache(self): """Purges all cache. If cache is not enabled, this method enables it. """ self.cache = [None] * len(
[docs] def split(self, *ratios): """Split dataset into subsets. Args: *ratios: The ratios for each subset. They can be any type of numbers which will be normalized. For example, ``8, 1, 1`` are equivalent to ``0.8, 0.1, 0.1``. Returns: list[TransformableDataset]: A list of subsets. """ ratios = [x / sum(ratios) for x in ratios] chunks = [] prev = 0 for r in ratios: cur = prev + math.ceil(len(self) * r) chunks.append([prev, cur]) prev = cur chunks[-1][1] = len(self) outputs = [] for b, e in chunks: dataset = copy(self) =[b:e] if dataset.cache: dataset.cache = dataset.cache[b:e] outputs.append(dataset) return outputs
[docs] def k_fold(self, k, i): """Perform k-fold sampling. Args: k (int): Number of folds. i (int): The i-th fold. Returns: TransformableDataset: The i-th fold subset of this dataset. """ assert 0 <= i <= k, f'Invalid split {i}' train_indices, test_indices = k_fold(k, len(self), i) return self.subset(train_indices), self.subset(test_indices)
[docs] def subset(self, indices): """Create a subset given indices of samples. Args: indices: Indices of samples. Returns: TransformableDataset: The a subset of this dataset. """ dataset = copy(self) = [[i] for i in indices] if dataset.cache: dataset.cache = [dataset.cache[i] for i in indices] return dataset
[docs] def shuffle(self): """Shuffle this dataset inplace. """ if not self.cache: random.shuffle( else: z = list(zip(, self.cache)) random.shuffle(z), self.cache = zip(*z)
[docs] def prune(self, criterion: Callable, logger: Logger = None): """Prune (to discard) samples according to a criterion. Args: criterion: A functions takes a sample as input and output ``True`` if the sample needs to be pruned. logger: If any, log statistical messages using it. Returns: int: Size before pruning. """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker size_before = len(self) good_ones = [i for i, s in enumerate(self) if not criterion(s)] = [[i] for i in good_ones] if self.cache: self.cache = [self.cache[i] for i in good_ones] if logger: size_after = len(self) num_pruned = size_before - size_after'Pruned [yellow]{num_pruned} ({num_pruned / size_before:.1%})[/yellow] ' f'samples out of {size_before}.') return size_before
class TransformSequentialDataset(Transformable, IterableDataset, ABC): pass class DeviceDataLoader(DataLoader): def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=False, sampler=None, batch_sampler=None, num_workers=None, collate_fn=None, pin_memory=False, drop_last=False, timeout=0, worker_init_fn=None, multiprocessing_context=None, device=None, **kwargs): if batch_sampler is not None: batch_size = 1 if num_workers is None: if isdebugging(): num_workers = 0 else: num_workers = 2 # noinspection PyArgumentList super(DeviceDataLoader, self).__init__(dataset=dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, sampler=sampler, batch_sampler=batch_sampler, num_workers=num_workers, collate_fn=collate_fn, pin_memory=pin_memory, drop_last=drop_last, timeout=timeout, worker_init_fn=worker_init_fn, multiprocessing_context=multiprocessing_context, **kwargs) self.device = device def __iter__(self): for raw_batch in super(DeviceDataLoader, self).__iter__(): if self.device is not None: for field, data in raw_batch.items(): if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): data = raw_batch[field] = data yield raw_batch def collate_fn(self, samples): return merge_list_of_dict(samples)
[docs]class PadSequenceDataLoader(DataLoader): def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=False, sampler=None, batch_sampler=None, num_workers=0, collate_fn=None, pin_memory=False, drop_last=False, timeout=0, worker_init_fn=None, multiprocessing_context=None, pad: dict = None, vocabs: VocabDict = None, device=None, **kwargs): """ A dataloader commonly used for NLP tasks. It offers the following convenience. - Bachify each field of samples into a :class:`~torch.Tensor` if the field name satisfies the following criterion. - Name ends with _id, _ids, _count, _offset, _span, mask - Name is in `pad` dict. - Pad each field according to field name, the vocabs and pad dict. - Move :class:`~torch.Tensor` onto device. Args: dataset: A :class:`` to be bachified. batch_size: Max size of each batch. shuffle: ``True`` to shuffle batches. sampler: A :class:`` to sample samples from data. batch_sampler: A :class:`` to sample batches form all batches. num_workers: Number of workers for multi-thread loading. Note that multi-thread loading aren't always faster. collate_fn: A function to perform batchifying. It must be set to ``None`` in order to make use of the features this class offers. pin_memory: If samples are loaded in the Dataset on CPU and would like to be pushed to the GPU, enabling pin_memory can speed up the transfer. It's not useful since most data field are not in Tensor type. drop_last: Drop the last batch since it could be half-empty. timeout: For multi-worker loading, set a timeout to wait for a worker. worker_init_fn: Init function for multi-worker. multiprocessing_context: Context for multiprocessing. pad: A dict holding field names and their padding values. vocabs: A dict of vocabs so padding value can be fetched from it. device: The device tensors will be moved onto. **kwargs: Other arguments will be passed to :meth:`` """ if device == -1: device = None if collate_fn is None: collate_fn = self.collate_fn if num_workers is None: if isdebugging(): num_workers = 0 else: num_workers = 2 if batch_sampler is None: assert batch_size, 'batch_size has to be specified when batch_sampler is None' else: batch_size = 1 shuffle = None drop_last = None # noinspection PyArgumentList super(PadSequenceDataLoader, self).__init__(dataset=dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, sampler=sampler, batch_sampler=batch_sampler, num_workers=num_workers, collate_fn=collate_fn, pin_memory=pin_memory, drop_last=drop_last, timeout=timeout, worker_init_fn=worker_init_fn, multiprocessing_context=multiprocessing_context, **kwargs) self.vocabs = vocabs if isinstance(dataset, TransformableDataset) and dataset.transform: transform = dataset.transform if not isinstance(transform, TransformList): transform = [] for each in transform: if isinstance(each, EmbeddingNamedTransform): if pad is None: pad = {} if each.dst not in pad: pad[each.dst] = 0 self.pad = pad self.device = device def __iter__(self): for raw_batch in super(PadSequenceDataLoader, self).__iter__(): yield self.tensorize(raw_batch, vocabs=self.vocabs, pad_dict=self.pad, device=self.device) @staticmethod def tensorize(raw_batch: Dict[str, Any], vocabs: VocabDict, pad_dict: Dict[str, int] = None, device=None): for field, data in raw_batch.items(): if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): continue vocab_key = field[:-len('_id')] if field.endswith('_id') else None vocab: Vocab = vocabs.get(vocab_key, None) if vocabs and vocab_key else None if vocab: pad = vocab.safe_pad_token_idx dtype = torch.long elif pad_dict is not None and pad_dict.get(field, None) is not None: pad = pad_dict[field] dtype = dtype_of(pad) elif field.endswith('_offset') or field.endswith('_id') or field.endswith( '_count') or field.endswith('_ids') or field.endswith('_score') or field.endswith( '_length') or field.endswith('_span'): # guess some common fields to pad pad = 0 dtype = torch.long elif field.endswith('_mask'): pad = False dtype = torch.bool else: # no need to pad continue data = PadSequenceDataLoader.pad_data(data, pad, dtype) raw_batch[field] = data if device is not None: for field, data in raw_batch.items(): if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): data = raw_batch[field] = data return raw_batch
[docs] @staticmethod def pad_data(data: Union[torch.Tensor, Iterable], pad, dtype=None, device=None): """Perform the actual padding for a given data. Args: data: Data to be padded. pad: Padding value. dtype: Data type. device: Device to be moved onto. Returns: torch.Tensor: A ``torch.Tensor``. """ if isinstance(data[0], torch.Tensor): data = pad_sequence(data, True, pad) elif isinstance(data[0], Iterable): inner_is_iterable = False for each in data: if len(each): if isinstance(each[0], Iterable): inner_is_iterable = True if len(each[0]): if not dtype: dtype = dtype_of(each[0][0]) else: inner_is_iterable = False if not dtype: dtype = dtype_of(each[0]) break if inner_is_iterable: max_seq_len = len(max(data, key=len)) max_word_len = len(max([chars for words in data for chars in words], key=len)) ids = torch.zeros(len(data), max_seq_len, max_word_len, dtype=dtype, device=device) for i, words in enumerate(data): for j, chars in enumerate(words): ids[i][j][:len(chars)] = torch.tensor(chars, dtype=dtype, device=device) data = ids else: data = pad_sequence([torch.tensor(x, dtype=dtype, device=device) for x in data], True, pad) elif isinstance(data, list): data = torch.tensor(data, dtype=dtype, device=device) return data
def collate_fn(self, samples): return merge_list_of_dict(samples)
class CachedDataLoader(object): def __init__(self, dataloader:, filename=None): if not filename: filename = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='hanlp-cache-', delete=False).name self.filename = filename self.size = len(dataloader) self._build_cache(dataloader) def _build_cache(self, dataset, verbose=HANLP_VERBOSE): timer = CountdownTimer(self.size) with open(self.filename, "wb") as f: for i, batch in enumerate(dataset):, f, _use_new_zipfile_serialization=False) if verbose: timer.log(f'Caching {self.filename} [blink][yellow]...[/yellow][/blink]') def close(self): if os.path.isfile(self.filename): os.remove(self.filename) def __iter__(self): with open(self.filename, "rb") as f: for i in range(self.size): batch = torch.load(f) yield batch def __len__(self): return self.size def _prefetch_generator(dataloader, queue, batchify=None): while True: for batch in dataloader: if batchify: batch = batchify(batch) queue.put(batch)
[docs]class PrefetchDataLoader(DataLoader): def __init__(self, dataloader:, prefetch: int = 10, batchify: Callable = None) -> None: """ A dataloader wrapper which speeds up bachifying using multi-processing. It works best for dataloaders of which the bachify takes very long time. But it introduces extra GPU memory consumption since prefetched batches are stored in a ``Queue`` on GPU. .. Caution:: PrefetchDataLoader only works in spawn mode with the following initialization code: Examples:: if __name__ == '__main__': import torch torch.multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn') And these 2 lines **MUST** be put into ``if __name__ == '__main__':`` block. Args: dataloader: A :class:`` to be prefetched. prefetch: Number of batches to prefetch. batchify: A bachify function called on each batch of samples. In which case, the inner dataloader shall return samples without really bachify them. """ super().__init__(dataset=dataloader) self._batchify = batchify self.prefetch = None if isdebugging() else prefetch if self.prefetch: self._fire_process(dataloader, prefetch) def _fire_process(self, dataloader, prefetch): self.queue = mp.Queue(prefetch) self.process = mp.Process(target=_prefetch_generator, args=(dataloader, self.queue, self._batchify)) self.process.start() def __iter__(self): if not self.prefetch: for batch in self.dataset: if self._batchify: batch = self._batchify(batch) yield batch else: size = len(self) while size: batch = self.queue.get() yield batch size -= 1
[docs] def close(self): """Close this dataloader and terminates internal processes and queue. It's recommended to call this method to ensure a program can gracefully shutdown. """ if self.prefetch: self.queue.close() self.process.terminate()
@property def batchify(self): return self._batchify @batchify.setter def batchify(self, batchify): self._batchify = batchify if not self.prefetch: prefetch = vars(self.queue).get('maxsize', 10) self.close() self._fire_process(self.dataset, prefetch)
[docs]class BucketSampler(Sampler): # noinspection PyMissingConstructor def __init__(self, buckets: Dict[float, List[int]], batch_max_tokens, batch_size=None, shuffle=False): """A bucketing based sampler which groups samples into buckets then creates batches from each bucket. Args: buckets: A dict of which keys are some statistical numbers of each bucket, and values are the indices of samples in each bucket. batch_max_tokens: Maximum tokens per batch. batch_size: Maximum samples per batch. shuffle: ``True`` to shuffle batches and samples in a batch. """ self.shuffle = shuffle self.sizes, self.buckets = zip(*[ (size, bucket) for size, bucket in buckets.items() ]) # the number of chunks in each bucket, which is clipped by # range [1, len(bucket)] if batch_size: self.chunks = [ max(batch_size, min(len(bucket), max(round(size * len(bucket) / batch_max_tokens), 1))) for size, bucket in zip(self.sizes, self.buckets) ] else: self.chunks = [ min(len(bucket), max(round(size * len(bucket) / batch_max_tokens), 1)) for size, bucket in zip(self.sizes, self.buckets) ] def __iter__(self): # if shuffle, shuffle both the buckets and samples in each bucket range_fn = torch.randperm if self.shuffle else torch.arange for i in range_fn(len(self.buckets)).tolist(): split_sizes = [(len(self.buckets[i]) - j - 1) // self.chunks[i] + 1 for j in range(self.chunks[i])] # DON'T use `torch.chunk` which may return wrong number of chunks for batch in range_fn(len(self.buckets[i])).split(split_sizes): yield [self.buckets[i][j] for j in batch.tolist()] def __len__(self): return sum(self.chunks)
[docs]class KMeansSampler(BucketSampler): def __init__(self, lengths, batch_max_tokens, batch_size=None, shuffle=False, n_buckets=1): """A bucket sampler which groups samples using KMeans on their lengths. Args: lengths: Lengths of each sample, usually measured by number of tokens. batch_max_tokens: Maximum tokens per batch. batch_size: Maximum samples per batch. shuffle: ``True`` to shuffle batches. Samples in the same batch won't be shuffled since the ordered sequence is helpful to speed up RNNs. n_buckets: Number of buckets. Clusters in terms of KMeans. """ if n_buckets > len(lengths): n_buckets = 1 self.n_buckets = n_buckets self.lengths = lengths buckets = dict(zip(*kmeans(self.lengths, n_buckets))) super().__init__(buckets, batch_max_tokens, batch_size, shuffle)
[docs]class SortingSampler(Sampler): # noinspection PyMissingConstructor def __init__(self, lengths: List[int], batch_size=None, batch_max_tokens=None, use_effective_tokens=False, shuffle=False) -> None: """A sampler which sorts samples according to their lengths. It takes a continuous chunk of sorted samples to make a batch. The effective batch size is determined by ``batch_size``, ``batch_max_tokens`` and ``use_effective_tokens``. Args: lengths: Lengths of each sample, usually measured by number of tokens. batch_max_tokens: Maximum tokens per batch. use_effective_tokens: Whether to calculate the effective number of tokens after padding when applying the ``batch_max_tokens``. batch_size: Maximum samples per batch. shuffle: ``True`` to shuffle batches and samples in a batch. """ # assert any([batch_size, batch_max_tokens]), 'At least one of batch_size and batch_max_tokens is required' self.shuffle = shuffle self.batch_size = batch_size # self.batch_max_tokens = batch_max_tokens self.batch_indices = [] num_tokens = 0 mini_batch = [] for i in torch.argsort(torch.tensor(lengths), descending=True).tolist(): # if batch_max_tokens: effective_tokens = lengths[i] if (not mini_batch or not use_effective_tokens) else lengths[mini_batch[0]] if (batch_max_tokens is None or num_tokens + effective_tokens <= batch_max_tokens) and ( batch_size is None or len(mini_batch) < batch_size): mini_batch.append(i) num_tokens += effective_tokens else: if not mini_batch: # this sequence is longer than batch_max_tokens mini_batch.append(i) self.batch_indices.append(mini_batch) mini_batch = [] num_tokens = 0 else: self.batch_indices.append(mini_batch) mini_batch = [i] num_tokens = effective_tokens if mini_batch: self.batch_indices.append(mini_batch) # print(len(max(self.batch_indices, key=len))) def __iter__(self): if self.shuffle: random.shuffle(self.batch_indices) for batch in self.batch_indices: yield batch def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.batch_indices)
[docs]class SamplerBuilder(AutoConfigurable, ABC):
[docs] @abstractmethod def build(self, lengths: List[int], shuffle=False, gradient_accumulation=1, **kwargs) -> Sampler: """Build a ``Sampler`` given statistics of samples and other arguments. Args: lengths: The lengths of samples. shuffle: ``True`` to shuffle batches. Note samples in each mini-batch are not necessarily shuffled. gradient_accumulation: Number of mini-batches per update step. **kwargs: Other arguments to be passed to the constructor of the sampler. """ pass
def __call__(self, lengths: List[int], shuffle=False, **kwargs) -> Sampler: return, shuffle, **kwargs)
[docs] def scale(self, gradient_accumulation): r"""Scale down the ``batch_size`` and ``batch_max_tokens`` to :math:`\frac{1}{\text{gradient_accumulation}}` of them respectively. Args: gradient_accumulation: Number of mini-batches per update step. Returns: tuple(int,int): batch_size, batch_max_tokens """ batch_size = self.batch_size batch_max_tokens = self.batch_max_tokens if gradient_accumulation: if batch_size: batch_size //= gradient_accumulation if batch_max_tokens: batch_max_tokens //= gradient_accumulation return batch_size, batch_max_tokens
[docs]class SortingSamplerBuilder(SortingSampler, SamplerBuilder): # noinspection PyMissingConstructor def __init__(self, batch_size=None, batch_max_tokens=None, use_effective_tokens=False) -> None: """Builds a :class:`~hanlp.common.dataset.SortingSampler`. Args: batch_max_tokens: Maximum tokens per batch. use_effective_tokens: Whether to calculate effective number of tokens when applying the `batch_max_tokens`. batch_size: Maximum samples per batch. """ self.use_effective_tokens = use_effective_tokens self.batch_max_tokens = batch_max_tokens self.batch_size = batch_size
[docs] def build(self, lengths: List[int], shuffle=False, gradient_accumulation=1, **kwargs) -> Sampler: batch_size, batch_max_tokens = self.scale(gradient_accumulation) return SortingSampler(lengths, batch_size, batch_max_tokens, shuffle)
def __len__(self) -> int: return 1
[docs]class KMeansSamplerBuilder(KMeansSampler, SamplerBuilder): # noinspection PyMissingConstructor def __init__(self, batch_max_tokens, batch_size=None, n_buckets=1): """Builds a :class:`~hanlp.common.dataset.KMeansSampler`. Args: batch_max_tokens: Maximum tokens per batch. batch_size: Maximum samples per batch. n_buckets: Number of buckets. Clusters in terms of KMeans. """ self.n_buckets = n_buckets self.batch_size = batch_size self.batch_max_tokens = batch_max_tokens
[docs] def build(self, lengths: List[int], shuffle=False, gradient_accumulation=1, **kwargs) -> Sampler: batch_size, batch_max_tokens = self.scale(gradient_accumulation) return KMeansSampler(lengths, batch_max_tokens, batch_size, shuffle, self.n_buckets)
def __len__(self) -> int: return 1
class TableDataset(TransformableDataset): def __init__(self, data: Union[str, List], transform: Union[Callable, List] = None, cache=None, delimiter='auto', strip=True, headers=None) -> None: self.headers = headers self.strip = strip self.delimiter = delimiter super().__init__(data, transform, cache) def load_file(self, filepath: str): for idx, cells in enumerate(read_cells(filepath, strip=self.strip, delimiter=self.delimiter)): if not idx and not self.headers: self.headers = cells if any(len(h) > 32 for h in self.headers): warnings.warn('As you did not pass in `headers` to `TableDataset`, the first line is regarded as ' 'headers. However, the length for some headers are too long (>32), which might be ' 'wrong. To make sure, pass `headers=...` explicitly.') else: yield dict(zip(self.headers, cells))